Video Interview Tips

Video Interview Tips

👩‍💻Want to appear confident during a video interview (and it's sooo much harder than in person)

📹Be mindful of these Camera Tips that will make a difference in how you are viewed during the interview

👩‍💻Position your webcam or align your computer so that you take up the full screen and look "taller".
➡️If your camera is poorly positioned, you will look much smaller, with extra space above your head, and consciously or unconsciously appear less confident.
➡️Confident people do not diminish themselves and are not afraid to take up space.

👩‍💼The height and positioning of the camera, combined with sitting, make v-neck blouses and dresses look lower cut than they would in person.
➡️Try the clothes on in advance of your interview, and see how they look on camera.
➡️The way it appears on your screen is the way it will appear to the interviewer.
➡️Pay attention to buttons, and wrap tops, to make sure that nothing pops out that shouldn't.

📐Angles!!! Can't tell you how many times I've been on Zoom, and the camera was positioned with a view directly up someone's nose.
➡️Record yourself in advance of the interview so that you can master proper camera positioning.

🖼️Background. Keep it clean.
➡️Avoid clutter, beds, dirty dishes, laundry.
➡️Choose a clean space, with good lighting (be mindful of time of day and the sun rising / setting).
➡️Use a ring light, if necessary
➡️Virtual backgrounds are also an option if needed.

These are super simple tips to improve your video interview, make you seem more confident and well-prepared, and impress the interviewer.

❤ Cindy

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