The appearance of a "happy" marriage...

The appearance of a "happy" marriage...

Together, you made the decision to stay at home, raise the family, support your spouse in his career, so he could advance and take care of the family.
Only, it wasn't supposed to end this way.

Now you have to make it on your own. You need to support yourself and your children. And the pressure is so intense.
Gaps on your resume, outdated skills set, and you have no idea who will hire you and how you can make the money you need to support your family.

I can help you! I have helped nearly 600 women with the confidence, tools, and skills to successfully return to the workforce!

Imagine how it would feel to not have to do this alone?

“I wasn’t feeling like myself after the divorce. Working with Cindy, I feel like me again. And it’s not just the 3 job offers. It’s the whole person. Thank you.”

"I wouldn't be where I am today without your tough love. You are a part of my story."

"Cindy encouraged and believed in me when I had stopped believing in myself."

OMG, it's not the WHY...

OMG, it's not the WHY...

Overnight successes...

Overnight successes...