How Do You Answer "Tell me about your greatest weakness" Question

How Do You Answer "Tell me about your greatest weakness" Question

🍫My secrets... Chocolate is definitely my greatest weakness. At one of my jobs, my colleague and I shared a (ginormous) Symphony bar every day after lunch, and at another job, my boss told team members who were asking me to do a favor for them, "She likes M&Ms very much".

đźš—I actively seek out pull-through parking spaces, and while I can parallel park, it's certainly not one of my greatest strengths, by a long shot. Sometimes I need to call a ferry to bring me closer to the curb.

Joking aside, how do you answer the greatest weakness interview question?

IF the interview was incredibly conversational and casual, you "might" be able to get away with a true, but humorous answer, like the ones I listed above.

Most probably, you will need to work a bit harder. Here's what you do.

Describe something that you used to struggle with, recognizing that you can see where you need improvement, and then talk about the specific steps you took to improve that skill, and what the results were.

For example, talk about a technology that you knew the basics (let's say Microsoft Excel) but were not up to speed for what was required at your job at XYZ Corporation. Then talk about the steps you took to improve. I took these classes, A, B, and C, and now am able to do pivot tables, Vlookup, .... and have successfully produced reports for 5 senior executives, resulting in...

🔑The key is showcasing how you recognized that weakness and how you overcame it and turned it into a strength.

📱Wish that you had support to show you step by step, exactly how to use your resume as a marketing tool? Want to talk about what that looks like? Here's the link to my calendar for a FREE 45-minute discovery Call to talk about YOU, your goals, and how I can help you achieve them. No pressures or obligations; just a conversation. Because you deserve to have someone on your side. đź’“

❤ Cindy

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