Please don't turn the page...

Please don't turn the page...

”Please don’t turn the page!”
The monster at end of this book starring lovable, furry ol' Grover...

Do you remember that childhood story?

Grover is terrified of the monster he will encounter on the next page and spends all his efforts trying to prevent you from turning the page.

He is working SO hard tying ropes, laying down bricks, in an attempt to stop you from turning the page.

And in the end, what he feared was HIMSELF. HE was the monster at the end of the story.

Are you doing that with your job search? Are you preventing yourself from creating the next chapter in your story, the happily every after ending you are looking for, because you are SO afraid of the process? Afraid of rejection?

It's not as hard as you might think, if you have the support and guidance to do it the right way.

It's not just the hand holding, but having someone there as your champion, along the way, letting you know, hey, you can still do this, YOU CAN DO THIS! - Yanida M

When does the interview start...

When does the interview start...

Just a mother...

Just a mother...