Choosing a Job Path when Making a Career Pivot

Choosing a Job Path when Making a Career Pivot

There are LOTS of jobs and fields where you can feel happy, supported, challenged, respected, enjoy your work, and be financially rewarded for your talents.

🤩AND if you are making a pivot from one career, maybe one you thought you would be in for your entire life, it's hard to make that single, finite decision.

You don't have to. (Of course, you will need different targeted resumes and cover letters because one size fits all does NOT work.)

🤩And maybe you stay at your next job forever... or maybe for a year or two. Where you will gain knowledge and experience to continue to grow in your career.

Here's how you should get started deciding what you want to do in your next career.

✅Think about everything you LIKE to do and are GOOD at. Consider your work, volunteer, and all aspects of life.
✅Look for trends and patterns
✅Talk to your closest friends and family members. Ask them what you do better than anyone else. You know, what are you the go-to person for?
✅Start putting the SKILLS you are good at and enjoy into the job search engines, and see what jobs pop up.
✅Read the job descriptions. See if the jobs sound interesting and exciting.
✅Talk to people in the field. Set up informational interviews or coffee chats, just to get an idea of the profession.
✅Look into companies you love and causes you are passionate about.

➡️Don't limit yourself to one single profession or company.
➡️There is a lot of competition out there.
➡️But ALSO a lot of fantastic opportunities.
✅And it's truly hard to know if you are going to really love something until you are doing it.

To give you hope and inspiration ❤️-here is a list of some of the fields I have helped transitioning teachers land jobs in:

✔️Program Manager
✔️Instructional Design
✔️Project Coordinator
✔️Curriculum Development
✔️Senior Consultant
✔️Training Coordinator
✔️Customer Success Manager
✔️Learning Engagement Specialist
✔️Business Insights Analyst
✔️Sales Development Representative
✔️Public Health Specialist
✔️Sales Coordinator
✔️Engagement Specialist
✔️Claims Representative
✔️Hospital Administration
✔️Instructional Coach

Hope this inspires you to realize that there are so many incredible opportunities out there!! 🥰🙌
You are a warriors! 💪Want some more feel-good inspiration? Watch these real-life career pivot stories

❤ Cindy

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