Birthday Thoughts on Life, Happiness, and Cake

Birthday Thoughts on Life, Happiness, and Cake

🎈Birthday thoughts on life, happiness and cake!🎂🥳

🎂It's my birthday, and I absolutely LOVE birthdays!

🥰Here are my thoughts on life, birthdays, and cake! Plus a GIFT for you!  A Free Researching the Company Checklist Downloadable Guide🎁that will take your interviews to the next level!🙌 because I am here for YOU! Click on link to get instant download.

🎉Celebrate often! Life is uncertain. Take the time to appreciate and enjoy what you have, in the moment. Some days this is easier than others, but there is always a silver lining. 

💌Be generous with your words! Let people know how much they mean to you. Write the note, make the call, send a text. Even if it has been a while. It will change both of your lives for the better.

⌚Don't stay at the party too long! We've all made the mistake of complacency or, even worse, continuing to do something we can't stand because we are scared. You are allowed to grow and want to reach new milestones. 

🤗Give! Give more than you receive. Volunteer. Help others. Be generous with your time, talent and wallet. And if you make a commitment, honor it. 

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Family First! Communicate with your family. Make time to be truly present. Listen to and respect your children. Create experiences and memories. 

🙏Always say Please and Thank You! Kindness costs nothing and says a lot about who YOU are.  Want to kick up your appreciation, say, "I appreciate you" rather than "I appreciate it".

🥗Take care of yourself! You deserve to look and feel great, at any age. Eat healthy. Exercise regularly. Take care of your skin. Get enough sleep.

💪Be your own Warrior! If you’re anything like me, you’ve already handled and conquered a fair share of challenges in life. Trust that you can handle anything that is thrown your way. Be brave. Take on challenges. Create the life you want to life. Next year you will be a year older. You can either pursue your goals, or be in the same place. Either way, the time will still pass   You are never too old to write the next chapter of your story. And if that involves your job search, I’m here to empower you.

🙌Everything is about attitude! One year older is certainly better than the alternative. Use your birthday as your personal resolution time. Celebrate what has happened during the year and make plans to have a fabulous new year. You deserve to be happy.

🎂And don’t forget to eat cake! Birthdays are worth celebrating! Have a slice of cake today and celebrate with me.Chocolate is my favorite!

💗Thank you for being part of my cherished community! It is an honor and a  privilege to be able to help 1,000s of individuals land amazing jobs. I am here for you and because of you. And I never take that for granted. I appreciate YOU. 

Link for FREE Researching the Company Checklist Downloadable Guide


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